Wednesday 1 January 2020

Did you buy your first drone? 15 tips for beginners

Starting drone kite, congratulations on your first drone! We all understand the excitement of

getting a first drone. But wait a while before flying until you have read these handy tips.

Before you take off, it is important that you know how your drone works. This is the best

way to prevent crashes or worse. Moreover, it is important for your own safety and that of

your drone!

Starting drone kite, read these tips first!

A drone that can sometimes be tricky. Make sure you read the manual that comes with your

drone before you go up in the air. After you understand the options and limitations of your

drone choose a safe test flight zone and practice some simple maneuvers. Here we have

listed 15 useful tips to prepare starting pilots like yourself!

Tips for starting a drone pilot

# 1 Read the manual

I know it sounds cliché, but very important in this case! Flying a drone is not a higher math,

but there are a number of things you need to know about your own drone. Every drone is

different, so read the booklet for a change.

# 2 Comply with the legislation

Okay okay, this is also quite logical. But something that you want to take into account if you do not want something to go wrong or your drone be confiscated by the police! Click here for visite our drone photography company in India

# 3 Avoid obstacles

Don't just blindly assume that your drone avoids obstacles itself (even though it has that

option). In reality, this often goes wrong. It is very important that you are aware of your

environment at all times while flying. But first try to learn to fly well in an open field and

do not immediately think that you are a pro.

# 4 Avoid animals

Or should I say avoid birds? Perhaps that is just a bit more accurate.

# 5 Don't fly with people around

If you are going to fly somewhere where there is a crowd, you attract attention and you lose

control. You don't want it to go wrong and someone gets a drone upside down. So avoid

people opinions.

# 6 Good preparation is half the battle

Make sure your drone is properly calibrated to prevent abnormalities. Make sure your battery

is charged and your propellers are properly secured before you go up in the air!

# 7 Return to Home

Provided you have the option for RTH , make sure it is switched on. This allows the drone to

fly back to the location where it has taken off.

# 8 Make sure you know how RTH works

This is also stated in the manual. Make sure you know how to turn on the RTH function.

# 9 GPS

Check if you have a good GPS signal before you go up in the air. Otherwise the RTH function

will not be able to do much.

# 10 Float before you fly

Before you really fly, it is recommended that you hover about 30 seconds above the ground.

If there are no problems then the real work can begin.

# 11 Use the beginner mode

Especially handy if you are just starting out! Make sure you switch on the beginner mode and

that you have this under control before you fly without 'training wheels'.

# 11 Do not fly with rain, fog or strong wind

You fly with an electrical device and electrical devices are generally not best friends with

water. Not when it rains or starts flying foggy. You can also avoid strong wind. Is simply

not convenient flying and increases the chance that something goes wrong. In addition,

cold temperatures can affect the battery.

# 12 Watch your battery

Keep an eye on your battery while flying. Especially as a starting drone pilot, make sure you

really make this a habit. Unfortunately, drones cannot fly for hours on a single battery.

# 13 Don't steer your drone aggressively

Make sure you keep control and do not deal with your controller too aggressively. If you

make too sharp turns or something, you will not have enough time to respond and you

will crash.

# 14 Does not fly in reverse

It's harder to fly, the left is right and the right is left. Better to avoid especially if your drone

can fly a little further. Especially as a starting drone pilot, not recommended.

# 15 Buy a good drone!

With a good drone the chance that something goes wrong is smaller!